November 26, 2014

Photographer captures Wanderlust

Found this 21 year old photographer, Elizabeth Gadd, the other day and thought her work was worth sharing. She aims to display "human interaction with nature in a positive and peaceful way" and I find her photographs do just that. They're breathtaking and beautiful and I wish I could hang them on my walls... or go to all of those places! These are just some of my favorites, check her facebook page here.

Encontrei esta fotógrafa de 21 anos, Elizabeth Gadd, no outro dia e achei que deveria partilhar o trabalho dela. Tem como objectivo ilustrar a "interação humana com a natureza de uma maneira positiva e serena" e eu acho que as fotografias fazem isso mesmo. Quem me dera pendurá-las nas minhas paredes ou ir a todos aqueles sítios! Estas são apenas algumas, visitem o facebook dela aqui.